Allevamento dobermann Carybdis Allevamento dobermann Carybdis

Allevamento Amatoriale Dobermann CARYBDIS

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Category: Allevamento Cani - Dobermann (Germania)
Page name: Allevamento dobermann Carybdis


Allevamento dobermann riconosciuto Enci-Fci-Aiad
cuccioli da genitori controllati per malattie genetiche,ottimo carattere,per famiglie,espositori,amatori.Serieta' e competenza


Name: Monica

Surname: Oliva

Street: localita' Presa 65 a

Cap: 15010

City: Rivalta Bormida

Nation: ITALY

State: Piemonte

Mobile: 3472271925

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Ad views: 3414

Created on: June 7, 2012, 12:55 am

Last ad modify: June 7, 2012, 12:55 am

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