Kerry Blue Terriers Top Quality Kerry Blue Terriers Top Quality

Kerry Blue Terrier Top Quality Dogs

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Category: Offro Cani - Kerry Blue Terrier (Irlanda)
Page name: Kerry Blue Terriers Top Quality
Tags: Show Puppies and pets bread in family.,


En "La Cadiera" criamos para ti Kerry Blue Terriers de las mejores líneas de sangre, principalmente irlandesas, con todo nuestro cariño para que puedas disfrutar de esta maravillosa raza.

"La Cadiera" breeds for you with the best irish bloodlines and with all our care, so you can join this wonderful breed.


Name: La Cadiera Kerry Blue Terriers Top Quality Puppies.

Surname: M. de Luna & M.A. Garcia

Street: Paraje de la Puente Grande s.n.

Cap: Berrocalejo de Aragona

City: 05194 Avila

Nation: SPAIN

State: Ávila

Phone 1: +34-920203338

Mobile: +34-656365727

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Ad views: 3090

Created on: October 24, 2011, 5:27 pm

Last ad modify: October 24, 2011, 5:27 pm

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