Hortaya Borzaya Hortaya Borzaya

Hortaya Borzaya

Other entry of the breeder: watch the list.
Category: Offro Cani - Borzoi (Russia)
Page name: Hortaya Borzaya
Tags: hortaya borzaya, chortoj, chort, ancient sighthound,


The main problem - it is not borsoi, but its forefather:-)))
Hortaya Borzaya is the ancient hunting breed lives and hunt for millenia at its fatherland the wide European steppes... That area was closed and hidden from the wide kynological world for long time thanks to politics... Now we have the ability to introduce that ijncredible animal to all the world. The breed is unique by its obidience, health and beauty...


Name: MVDr Maria

Surname: Stanovoi

Street: Ocihov 58

City: Ocihov


State: Czech republic

Mobile: +420604700731

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Ad views: 4836

Created on: October 8, 2011, 8:57 am

Last ad modify: October 8, 2011, 8:57 am

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